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Previous Poems:

50th Wedding Anniversay
Thoughts at Easter
Mother's Day
El Nino Exposed
The Common Cold
Birthday Wish
The Chihuahua Chick
The Cisco Kid
The Sasha Saga


The day is here, when mothers dear, are honored ev'rywhere.
When mother's grand, throughout the land, are told how much we care.

On them love heap, in heart must keep, they've done so much for you.
to them you owe, the life you know, no end to what they do.

The "soon to be's," we, too must please, for they now feel the pain,
With nausea numb, for food but crumb, the "feeling's" back again.

So call her now, or think of how, nice she was once to you.
Do not forget, you were her pet, the nicest friend you know.


Dedicated to all mothers, grandmothers, and mothers to be.
Enrique Acevedo
© May 13, 2001,  E. Acevedo

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