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Previous Poems:

50th Wedding Anniversay
Thoughts at Easter
Mother's Day
El Nino Exposed
The Common Cold
Birthday Wish
The Chihuahua Chick
The Cisco Kid
The Sasha Saga

The Cisco Kid

You dare not mess, with Cisco 'less, you want to feel his bite.
This 4-year old, is nice we're told, when sound asleep each night. 

He's strong as bull, could prob'ly pull, a tooth if given chance.
Has rap he's bad; is always mad; will bite at slightest glance.

Stubborn as mule; ready to duel; with other barking breeds
Keep closed your gate, else out he'll skate, to fill his simple needs.

Will eat canned food, and all else good; 
has appetite of bear.
Has many skills, like possum kills; 
for cats he does not care.

All kids he likes, will eat their bikes; 
prefers to run from broom.
Loves tetherball; for treats loves call; 
but give him ample room. 

What now to do, with baby due; go buy a leash more strong!
Must take more care, with Cisco there, and pray they'll get along.

At Arrington, his reign is done; new head will rule the land.
He'll have to play, fiddle today; no longer have command!

So flop your ear; they will not hear; you're just a dog they found.
Must now play ball, else they'll call, for van to come from pound.

Dedicated October 7, 2002 to the Carrillos and their dog, Cisco, by Nick Acevedo.

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