This grownup pup, is all mixed up, knows not from where she came.
Part-Labrador, that did adore; a Terrier without name.
From Terrier, came her fine hair; from Lab her friendliness.
With kids will play, by pool all day; will seldom leave a mess.
Though seven now, she knows not how, she ever came to be.
Bathing's top hate; and treats on plate; prefers food Pedigree.
Knows how to beg, for scratch on leg;
loves being brushed on back.
All birds will chase, from ev'ry place;
protects her private shack.
Is proud of peak, thinks it is chic;
tries hard to Linda please.
Is kind to most, specially host;
barks when kids swim she sees.
Coat's golden brown, on Lab not found; Retriever traits abound.
Tough not pure-bred; is still well-fed; so nice that she's around.
Though get along, thinks Tigger's wrong; to have such jealousy.
With Tigger small, won't fight at all; won't mess on fav'rite tree.
Barks proud each day, as if to say, I'm queen of Garay yard.
Tigger can lie, on floor nearby; Sasha can take life hard.
Dedicated to the Garay's and their Dogs by